Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

So this is me at work. Right now this is the last place I want to be. I have to get everything in my house together so that one of the agents I work with can come and take pictures of my home on Monday. Right now everything is in boxes and bins that I am not sure that we will even be able to get everything outside in order to let her take pictures. A lot is changing at my job. We are going from everything being paper to everything being on the computer on this page called Dot Loop. I hate it. I wish things would stop changing while I am in this stressed out stupid head space state that I am in right now.

I am having problems trusting anyone right now. I am not sure why. Could have been the swarm of bees that took over my room the other day. Could be the times that I have been screwed over (yes everyone has been) but still... Something weird is in the air. 

The apartment is on the maybe list still. We met with the landlords last night and I had a nightmare that him and I argued with each other. That was fun.

I also have no uptime in September probably due to the fact that I have been absent from work quite a bit due to stress. Ah the good times of being a real estate agent.

I don't want to argue with anyone but it seems to keep happening. Oh yes then there is this.
I have this. PMDD. So the week before I get my period I am not sure if it's my real emotions or the emotions that are escalated because of my hormonal state. Anyway off of the too much information section of this blog.

I feel better blogging. Hopefully the next blow will be a little more cheery and with a few more pictures of fun stuff.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

So I have finished stitching on the salvaged chain mail onto Val's costume. She is playing a Baywalker (from Mass, slightly cleaner than say a Rover which is what I play) so her stuff is a little less distressed than mine. I also finished her shoulder pads which have chain mail hanging off of them to give an interesting look by draping her shoulder in mail. Hopefully soon this whole project will be done and I can move on to something else. It's been a fun fun project but more in depth than a lot of others due to having to make it look nice as apposed to super slapped together. I love the colors we picked for her accents. Her name in game is "Cerulean" which is a color of blue and also means "like the sky." Pictures of her full costume will be coming soon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Here is where I will be posting photos of my day, pictures of crafts and other such things. Tricks and tips for costuming etc. I am going to post a few things I have made and get this started.

Here is a table I made from onion crates and an old barn door.

Pair of gauntlets made for E.B.'s Dystopia Rising character Jayde.

A detail on the sur coat we made for E.B.'s Dystopia Rising character.

My twin in Dystopia Rising Jax. His full costume I made.

Jayde's book.

A mask made for a Dystopia Rising Retrograde.

A hat I distressed for Dystopia Rising.

Jayde Harper in her full Regalia.

Jax and me as Jet Harper. Costumes by me.

Sign for a friends store in Beacon. Go there to check it out!

A photo from NYRF.

My friend Steve's dog Molly.

Bonnie at NYRF. Photo by me.

My friend Christian at NYRF. Taken by me.

Val and her tattoo at NYRF. Photo by me.
So here are some examples of my crafting work and my photography work. I will probably post things I have made in the past as well on here. This page will also be about my gaming experiences at Dystopia Rising L.A.R.P.
